Chang’an Automobile testing ground
Finalisation in 2014
Chang‘an Automobile Co. Ltd.
Chongqing, CN
Chang’an, one of China’s biggest automotive manufacturers for cars, trucks and motorbikes has built itself a vehicle development testing ground to meet the challenges of a growing demand for vehicles and continuously rising customer expectations. OBERMEYER accompanied this project through the planning stage and also on the construction site.
The site has a lot of topographical variation, with height differences of up to 80 metres. The site was characterised by valleys filled with clay and rocky sandstone hills. To prevent different levels of settlement, extensive ground improvement measures were required.
A total of 12 million cubic metres of earth were moved, and approx. 40 km of roads with different surfaces and functions, including arrangements for the supply and disposal of operating media, were all planned and built. Interventions in the local topography involved the planning and delivery of a comprehensive site drainage plan for the entire site, measuring approx. 500 hectares, employing a range of rainwater retention basins to prevent run-off from this area having an adverse impact on the surrounding valleys, used predominantly for growing rice.
Based on a comprehensive action schedule, we worked with the site developers responsible for building all the test tracks to produce a requirements specification together with a route layout tailored to meet the needs of users, including an operational master plan. The particular challenge here was to implement on a 1:1 basis examples of actual damage to public roads recorded by the user in long-lasting special sections of test track.