OBERMEYER Infrastructure’s main area of expertise is the overall planning of complex infrastructure projects across the entire spectrum of transport route construction and inner-city projects involving both above-ground and underground transport and property development projects. This range of services includes property planning and sectoral planning throughout different service phases, as well as support with the implementation of construction management services. Planning services for the environmental engineering sector as well as certification and specialist support with specific topics round off this range of services.

An overview of our services


With the growing number of electric vehicles, there ist demand of a good infrastructure network. For planning and implementation we collaborate with renowned product manufacturers of charging stations and manufacturers of vehicles for local public…

Site development

The growing need for land on the one hand and the demand for a sustainable, resource-conserving approach to nature on the other place great demands on development planning. Transport planning and the architectural aspects of landscaping therefore…


Airports are transport nodes to link air traffic to land-based forms of transport. They are places where air transport, personal transport, local public transport and the transport of goods all come together. With our internationally recognised…

Construction engineering

“Civil engineering structures that meet people’s needs, benefit society, conserve the environment and have low visual impact on the landscape”. With this objective, OBERMEYER has successfully met the complex planning requirements of all specialist…

Project controlling

Project controlling is the key element of professional construction management. This way processes can be managed in such a way that the respective project goals are achieved.

Test routes for the automotive industry

The competitiveness of automotive manufacturers depends on the innovative quality of their products. Computer simulations and elaborate test bench technology can support and shorten the lead times for developing and testing new models. However, they…


OBERMEYER is involved in the planning of systems for rail transport across all areas: new rail routes, extensions to existing ones, high-speed lines, high-speed maglev systems, underground lines, rapid transit lines (the S-Bahn in Germany), trams and…


Trams are an exemplary way to practice global climate protection through avoidance of CO2 emissions, achieving the high standards required of modern, high-performance public transport systems. Our urban rail planning experts are committed to these…


In all sectors of our life, transport plays a key role, since mobility is a large factor for our quality of life and standard of living. About 90% of passenger transport and almost 85% of goods transport in Germany travels by road. The OBERMEYER…

Power lines for high-voltage transmission

With the business field of high-voltage and extra-high-voltage power lines as well as path allocation for pipelines, we enable clients to participate in the networking of modern power generation combined with the environmentally aware consumption of…

Technical equipment, transport

OBERMEYER plans innovative transport systems for road and rail. Technical equipment and active transport management systems are the key to the performance capability of traffic systems.

Transport stations

We align the requirements of structural engineering, fire safety and technical equipment with efficient structural concepts for transport planning.


An intact environment is the basis of life for us and our children. Our planning in the field of water and waste water pursues the goal of preserving the quality of life and the environment and of reconciling the needs of people with the conservation…


German Institute for Environmental Protection and Building Physics

For more than 30 years, we have been working as assessors and planners in noise emission protection, protection against serious vibration, exhaust emission testing as well as the acoustics relating to construction and building interiors.

German Institute for Transport Planning & Technology

Services include all transport-related topics and questions relating to transport planning, from overall and sub-system concepts to the on-schedule delivery of solutions for individual transport systems. To an increasing extent, climate change,…

Contact us!

Would you like to learn more about the services of OBERMEYER Infrastruktur, or do you have a project that you would like to implement with us? Please get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!