Flöha child daycare centre

Project duration from 2010 to 2018

Große Kreisstadt Flöha

Flöha, DE

Technical specifications

  • Technical details:
    Gross floor area: approx. 3,890 m²
    Gross enclosed space: approx. 14,1920 m³
  • Services:
    Architecture competition, 1st place
    Property planning, electrical engineering, heating/ventilation/sanitation
    Energy refurbishment
    Structural planning, LPH 1-5
    Outdoor areas, LPH 1-9
    Creation of an ad lib draft design, advance planning, draft design planning, implementation planning, tendering, awarding of contract, construction supervision including consultation about legal aspects of this listed building; opinions for transport equipment management

In 2010, OBERMEYER won the architecture competition to convert and renovate the ‘Shedhalle’ listed industrial structure, part of the former cotton spinning mill, the ‘Alte Baumwolle Flöha’. The intention here is to create the ‘Flöha Village for Children’ [Kinderdorf Flöha]. The child daycare centre opened in 2014 now offers 360 spaces, making it the largest of its kind in Saxony.

Inside the historical main hall, a two-storey structure was erected in a brick construction with steel-reinforced concrete ceilings with lightwells and open playtime courtyards between the buildings.
