Public drinking-water supply on an allotment site
Project duration from 2018 to 2021
City of Cologne, Office for landscape maintenance and green spaces
Köln-Klettenberg, DE
The Office for Landscape Maintenance and Green Spaces of the City of Cologne renewed the existing fresh water pipe network of the allotment gardens “Alt Komar und Neu Komar” in Cologne-Klettenberg.
The allotment covers a total area of around 181,000 m2 and comprises 470 gardens, making it one of the largest in Cologne.
The fresh water network had been built for the most part between 1926 and 1929 and in 1965. Since then, the approximately 8,850 m long pipeline network had become dilapidated and was in need of renovation.
Due to the special use of the numerous individual plots and the resulting temporary or irregular water withdrawal by the tenants, contamination cannot be completely ruled out. In addition, the water supply is cut off during the winter months. For this reason, the water used in future will be used as service water within the allotment. The clubhouse will receive a separate drinking-water supply all year round. The service and drinking-water pipes will be separated by an above-ground separating station.
The construction costs amount to about 4.3 million euros.
The commissioned planning (object planning of engineering structures and technical building services) applies to the work phases 1 to 7.
Copyright: OBERMEYER