Site development, 6-Seen-Wedau

Project duration from 2019 to 2029

GEBAG, site development

Duisburg, DE

Technical specifications

Main category: Infrastructure – site development

The Wedau railway workshop to the South of Duisburg and the Wedau marshalling yard were finally decommissioned in 2004. About 65 hectares in the southern part of this site, measuring a total of about 90 hectares, are now to be developed. This development is to include residential property as well as local retail stores, urban areas, low-impact forms of commercial usage, sports areas, allotments and large landscaped areas and extensive open grounds. At the eastern end, the plan is to install a noise abatement wall arranged on the North-South axis of this site and extending over about 2.2 km.

The implementation of this building work is planned in two stages: The first tranche for the general contractor will involve ground management and/or site decontamination, construction of the noise abatement wall and the construction of a new allotment area.

The second tranche will involve development of the site. This will include road-building, the creation of rainwater and waste water drains and the laying of supply lines. This work is scheduled to last until about 2029.

The construction costs will amount to approx. €70 mill. The services awarded to OBERMEYER include being in overall charge of construction work and on-site supervision of that construction work.


Key words:
Site development, supervision of construction work, construction management