Hyperloop test track: into the future at high speed
On September 30, 2022 the groundbreaking ceremony for the full-scale 24-meter Hyperloop test track took place at the Ottobrunn / Taufkirchen site.
This test segment is unique in Europe
The Hyperloop could become the means of transportation of the future: The vision is to travel in a so-called pod at a speed of more than 1000 km/h through a vacuum tube. Pioneers in its development are the members of the Hyperloop research program at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The largest aerospace faculty in Europe is currently being built in Ottobrunn. The planned Hyperloop test track will bring the technology of the future to life.
Bavarian Science Minister Markus Blume and Bavaria’s Minister President Markus Söder were also present at the groundbreaking ceremony at the end of September. Söder explicitly called for a departure into the new transport era and already mentioned first routes in and around Munich.
Among the invited guests was also Jens Ulrich, Managing Director of OBERMEYER Holding.
OBERMEYER had recognized and promoted the potential of TUM at an early stage: As one of the Gold Sponsors, the company supported the TUM student team from the very beginning, which has won the global Hyperloop competition initiated by Elon Musk in California four times in a row since 2015. These successes tipped the scales in favor of the current Hyperloop program funded by the Free State of Bavaria.
In conversation with the Project Lead of the Hyperloop Team Gabriele Semino, Holding Managing Director Jens Ulrich expressed the Group’s interest in contributing to the development of modern transport systems: “Digital innovations and state-of-the-art technology have a long tradition at OBERMEYER.” As early as the 1990s, for example, OBERMEYER was involved in the implementation of the first magnetic levitation trains in Germany and abroad.
A detailed report on the groundbreaking ceremony for the Hyperloop test track you find here.