The following references provide a selection of successfully completed or current projects, and they document the multi-faceted service sectors of this company in practice. New Al Ain HospitalAl Ain, Abu Dhabi, AEFloodwater protection, Balzhausen/BayersriedBalzhausen, DE2. Prize in competition for new-build of the Grosshadern ClinicMunich, DEDEWA Headquarters, Zero Energy BuildingDubai, AEAschaffenburg ring road: A main road through the city centreAschaffenburg, DEExpansion of the Munich Trade Fair, Halls C5 and C6Munich, DENew-build ‘Weltbeziehungen’ [World Relations] research centreErfurt, DENeue PinakothekMunich, DEBaku Convention CenterBaku, AZNew-build, Covestro CampusLeverkusen, DECulture Wave City / City BalconyHangzhou, CNNew-build education campus in FreihamMunich, DE Previous12345Next